In HRMS, policies are predefined rules and guidelines set by an organization to regulate the aspects of human resource management. These encompass salary encashment policies, codes of conduct, leave policies, and other rules that govern admin processes within the organization.
Organization policies
Depending on the requirements of the firm, the HR administrator can design a variety of policy categories. The administrator can create and include a variety of policies within these categories to manage and convey organizational norms efficiently.
Organization → Policies → Organization Policies
Create Policies in a few clicks
Admin can create multiple policies by clicking on “Add New Policy” and proceed to fill in all the required details.

The admin can examine and download policy reports for employees in the report section and determine whether or not they have acknowledged the reports.
Organization → Policies → Reports

Report Acknowledgement
Note: Clicking the save button prompts a confirmation to immediately send policy acknowledgements to both existing and new employees. When editing policy documents, confirmation is required only if there are changes. Opting for “Not Required” sends acknowledgments solely to new employees, while existing employees may acknowledge policies in the Policies section.